Stimmung Profis – FALSTAFF LIVING
Stimmung Profis Rechtzeitig für den Frühling werden auch beliebte Accessoires neu sortiert. Dabei spielen die Gläser als unabkömmliche Details am Tisch eine große Rolle. Treiben Sie es doch einfach so richtig bunt. May 2021 Think Pink Venedigs Glas-Baron Giberto Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga ent- wirft hauchzarte Glaskreationen– hier in intensivem Pink. giberto.it Related Products ALESSANDRITE – [...] Continue Reading -
Interiors Little Black Book: Isabelle Dubern-Mallevays – SHEER LUXE
Interiors Little Black Book: Isabelle Dubern-Mallevays Isabelle Dubern-Mallevays describes herself as an "entrepreneur obsessed with all things beautiful". A former creative director of Dior Maison, she’s the co-founder of luxury lifestyle store The Invisible Collection and continues to consult as an artistic advisor to luxury brands such as Diptyque and Dior Parfums. As a result, [...] Continue Reading -
Welcome to our Palazzo – THE TIMES MAGAZINE
Welcome to our Palazzo One of Venice's grandest palaces is also home to a family of seven who have restored it to its former glory. So what's it like to grow up in 16th-century splendour on the Grand Canal? Carolyn Asome meets its owners Photos by Kate Martin 23 march 2021 Instantly recognisable by the [...] Continue Reading -
Objects of Desire: January 2021 – DEPARTURES
Knitwear from Brunello Cucinelli, René Caovilla boots, a limited-edition Penuts Smeg refrigerator and so much more on our radar this month. by Elisa Vallata, January 2021 GIBERTO VENEZIA – COCCODRILLO FRAME Founded by the Italian Count Giberto Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga, Giberto Venezia’s exclusive range of exquisite Murano glass objects are inspired by the […]
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Venise, Promenades d’un Lecteur Solitaire – LE FIGARO
In pochi mesi, nello strano favore di un dramma della salute, Venezia, svuotata dei suoi turisti, ha riacquistato lo splendore del suo mito. E se, contro ogni previsione, fosse giunto il momento di tornare nella città dei Dogi? Senza visitarlo davvero, solo per il piacere di leggere libri sui canali o sulla piazza del Lido. […]
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The Home Accessory – TELEGRAPH
THE HOME ACCESSORY We all need a bit of excitement in our tables capes. These delicately pink Murano glasses with blood-red rims, by Venetian artist Giberto Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga, are the perfect finishing touch for decadent dinners at home.
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